Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Back to school - What do you look for in a karate school?

With back-to-school time approaching many parents are looking for alternative after-school activities. Karate is a popular choice, focusing on respect, courtesy and good moral character along with great physical activity.
Not all karate schools are the same.
Here are some things to look for:
1. A school that gives you a good feeling when you walk through the door.
2. Welcoming, not intimidating atmosphere. Clean and fresh, not stale and stinky environment.
3. The owner is on-site and teaches most of the classes. Classes are taught by certified, trained instructors, who are well-paid and have a passion for teaching. Classes are not taught by low ranking, unpaid "volunteers" who have been chosen to teach because it keeps overhead low.
4. Month-to-month tuition. No contracts...period. While you and your family may LOVE classes now, you don't know what the future holds. A good school will have students who WANT to be in class, not students who are mandated to come because of being coerced into a long-term contract.
5. Like all things in life, you get what you pay for. If you want the best influence on your children, be prepared to pay a little more. Good karate classes aren't cheap and well, you know the rest.
6. Ask for a free class. Then, talk to the other parents. Remember when you moved into your house? Don't you wish you would have spoken with the neighbors and found out about things in your area that were great and not so great? Any reputable school will WANT you to talk to its members.
7. Tell the owner what you are looking for in a karate school. Are you looking for a family environment? A good amount of exercise? Make new friends? A good owner will let you know if their school is a good fit for you and if not, will have a good recommendation for another school in town.
In short, go with your gut. If you feel intimidated or bullied into signing a contract, walk away. There's always time to go home and think about it. At our dojo we don't let you sign up the first day. We make you go home and talk it over and come back with a well thought out decision.
Thanks for taking time to read our suggestions. Martial arts training is great for families, kids, and yes, even seniors. You can start young or later in life; a great instructor will know how to teach a variety of ages and abilities.

If you are interested in finding out more about the way karate should be taught, please stop by our dojo: Community Karate and Fitness, 5631 North Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. Or call and speak directly with the owner: 719-599-7024. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Back to school - What do you look for in a karate school?

How do I know what to look for in a karate school? 

With back-to-school time approaching many parents are looking for alternative after-school activities. Karate is a popular choice, focusing on respect, courtesy and good moral character along with great physical activity.

Not all karate schools are the same. Here are some things to look for:

1. A school that gives you a good feeling when you walk through the door.

2. Welcoming, not intimidating atmosphere. Clean and fresh, not stale and stinky environment.

3. The owner is on-site and teaches most of the classes. Classes are taught by certified, trained instructors, who are well-paid and have a passion for teaching. Classes are not taught by low ranking, unpaid "volunteers" who have been chosen to teach because it keeps overhead low.

4. Like all things in life, you get what you pay for. If you want the best influence on your children, be prepared to pay a little more. Good karate classes aren't cheap and well, you know the rest.

5. Ask for a free class. Then, talk to the other parents. Remember when you moved into your house? Don't you wish you would have spoken with the neighbors and found out about things in your area that were great and not so great? Any reputable school will WANT you to talk to its members.

6. Tell the owner what you are looking for in a karate school. Are you looking for a family environment? A good amount of exercise? Make new friends? A good owner will let you know if their school is a good fit for you and if not, will have a good recommendation for another school in town. In short, go with your gut. If you feel intimidated or bullied into signing an agreement that doesn't work for you, walk away. There's always time to go home and think about it.

7. Equipment looks new and safe, not stained, ripped or covered in duct tape.

8. Karate can be lots of fun. Make sure if you are looking for fun karate classes that the school you visit has that element.

Thanks for taking time to read our suggestions. Martial arts training is great for families, kids, and yes, even seniors. You can start young or later in life; a great instructor will know how to teach a variety of ages and abilities.

If you are interested in finding out more about the way karate should be taught, please stop by our dojo: Community Karate and Fitness, 5731 North Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80918. Or call and speak directly with the owner: 719-599-7024. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Nervous about trying something new?

What do you expect to find at a karate school? Great teachers? Wonderful families? A clean and pleasant environment? That's what we thought!

We've worked hard for 10 years to provide the best place for kids and families of Colorado Springs to learn martial arts. We are friendly, patient and eager to share our love for karate.

Are you nervous about coming to a place you've never been before? Worried about what to expect? What questions to ask? The moment you come to our karate school you will feel welcome. Breathe in the fresh clean air, enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and get to know the owner and staff while you watch a class in action.

We want to get to know you - drop by Monday - Thursday at 5pm and we will be happy to answer your questions. No appointment necessary. You'll be happy to took 15 minutes to find out why Community Karate and Fitness is right for you!

If you would like to speak directly to the owner of the school, please call: 719-599-7024 - Sensei Deb Cupples will be happy to take time to chat with you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


One of the strongest forms of motivation is encouragement. It helps to push forward during the tough times and shine bright during the good times. Encouragement can come in the form of words or actions. Something as simple as a high-five, pat on the back or a genuine smile can help to nudge someone closer to success. Can you think of a time when it made a difference that a supervisor/teacher/parent acknowledged your hard work and told you that you were moving in the right direction? I bet you can remember a few specifics about what you were doing and just how great it made you feel. I remember when I was about 15 years old and playing on a softball team - I wasn't very good - but my coach told me that I was important because I was left-handed and that if I kept practicing bunting that I would be even more important than I already was! Wow! My impression of my abilities totally changed, just because someone else recognized my potential and ENCOURAGED me to continue to improve. What can we do to encourage our kids, co-workers, spouse, etc.? Can you recognize potential in someone who is struggling? It only takes a minute to make a difference and acknowledge opportunity to make a difference in someone's perception of their abilities. Make it a goal to find someone to encourage - give yourself a deadline to get it done - go and make a difference! Deb Cupples, Sensei www.communitykarateandfitness.com