Sunday, March 26, 2017

Kids in Colorado Springs just want to have fun!

Kids in Colorado Springs who attend our events at Community Karate and Fitness have a great time "Sword Fighting" with each other every month.

They love the 90 minute non-stop energy fest of trying to score points on one another in a structured, fast-paced, fun environment under the supervision of Sensei Deb Cupples, owner of the karate school and Mr. Cameron Davies, head instructor.

Kids want to run around and have fun.  Why not enroll them in something that they want to do with other families who are just like yours?

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

"I had no idea a karate school could be like this."

More often than not I hear from new students that our school is not what they expected.  Expectations are usually that our facility will be more like a gymnasium, concrete walls and bare floors.  People also let me know that they don't expect the owner of the school to be teaching most of the classes.

Well, that's what makes us different at Community Karate and Fitness.  Read more about us in the article in the Colorado Springs Business Journal.

Read more about our school in this article by the Colorado Springs Business Journal

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Community Karate and Fitness!

The new year always brings resolutions, promises, dedication, persistence, etc. As hokey as it may sound for some, I think that the new year should bring should the first of each month, the first day of the week, the first hour of the day and more. We should constantly be striving to better ourselves, which should not be confused with trying to be better than someone else.

We have a traditional karate tournament coming up this Saturday. Each and every one of my competitors has thought very hard about what their goals are for this event. It is NOT to win a gold medal. It is NOT to "beat my opponent," but instead, it is a goal that exemplifies bettering yourself. Here are some examples of our students goals:

1. Score one point in sparring.
2. Block 2 punches in my sparring match.
3. Remember to stay on the mat to receive my score.
4. Shake hands with the judges and thank them.
5. Make a new friend.
6. Stay in bounds during my sparring match.
7. Make it through my kata and be proud even if I make a mistake.
8. Even if I get nervous, to have a fun day.

I sure do love what I do...and you should too. Reflect and decide to better yourself today.

Sensei Cupples
719-599-7024 (dojo)