Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Springtime - the end of the school year

Springtime brings lots of things: warmer weather, the urge to clean everything, allergies and the beginning of the end of the school year.

What does this mean for a lot of families? You've gotten the phone calls, emails, written notices and warnings that your child is slipping behind. Homework isn't getting done, or maybe it's getting done, but it isn't getting turned in. Assignments are missing and grades are slipping.

Finding out that your child's progress isn't what you expected it to be can lead to crazy amounts of stress for everyone involved. Conversations that start out calmly can easily turn into battles where there is no winner. This can lead to your child giving up entirely.

If you are like most families, you try everything you can think of. You take away electronics and screen time...but this usually doesn't work long-term.

Maybe you try grounding your child - no fun stuff, no sleep-overs, no movie nights...but once again, this usually only works short term.

What do I recommend? Find a community - a place where you can chat with other parents, where you can surround your child with positive energy. Maybe you've heard about a "third space" but if you haven't, let me take a minute to explain.

There's home - that's your number one space. There's work/school - your number two space. You need a third space; somewhere that increases your happiness and your determination to do better. A place where you belong and where you have friends and positive influences.

Find a third space - find a place that supports your family. It could be a karate school, a dance school, a soccer team, a theater troupe, an art class... Find a place where your family belongs and breathe a little easier.

Deb Cupples, Sensei

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